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Tawrat (Tawrah or Taurat Arabic توراة) is the Arabic word meaning LawMost Muslims believe it was a holy book of Islam given by God to Musa ()The Hebrew word for their scripture the Torah (also known as the Five Books of Moses or the Pentateuch) means instructions that is why Tawrat as per the Qur’an does not refer to the entire Tanakh or Old Testament.
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Magnesium taurate is touted as an ideal supplement to treat magnesium deficiency Magnesium deficiency is thought to exacerbate hormonal pain headaches diabetes and heart problems while taurate is a compound naturally found in your stomach bile which aids the breakdown of material you ingest.
Taurat Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas
Taurat sendiri menyatakan bahawa ia ditulis kesemuanya oleh Musa Deuteronomy 312425 dan 26 menyatakan) selepas Musa selesai menulis katakata Taurat dari mula sampai akhir beliau memberi perintah berikut kepada orang Levite yang membawa Tabut perjanjian Tuhan “Bawa Kitab Taurat ini dan letakkannya di sebelah tabut perjanjian Tuhan kamuIa akan berkekalan di.
Taurat Studi Kamus Alkitab SABDA
The Taurat according to the Qur’an The Qur’an talks of the Taurat/Tawrah ( توراة ) referring to the Torah the first five books of the Jewish Bible found in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible Some Muslims and scholars believe it refers to the entire Old Testament but this view is not widely held.
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Tawrat, Zabur, & Injil
According to the Taurah (the Torah Qur’an) WikiIslam
Magnesium taurate Wikipedia
Side Effects of Magnesium Taurate Healthfully
8 Unique Health Benefits of Magnesium Taurate
Magnesium Taurate – Side Effects (Diarrhea), Dosage
Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, Taurat (Tanakh) ensiklopedia bebas
Taurat Webkitab
Torah in Islam Wikipedia
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Magnesium Taurate Benefits and Dosages For the Heart Magnesium Taurate dosage 500 mg/day to 1000 mg/ day may reduce blood pressure (BP) systolic as much as 56/28 mm Hg This was the dosage also used to reduce or stop PVC’s or palpitations However clinical studies have a wide range of BP reduction with some showing no change in BP.