Loyola Kolese. Ide ini disambut hangat dan dikembangkan oleh kepala sekolah dan guruguru SMA Kolese Loyola karena sejalan dengan salah satu misi SMA Kolese Loyola yaitu “membentuk kaum muda menjadi pejuangpejuang pembaharu dunia yang berkompeten berhati nurani benar dan berkepedulian sosial dengan menekankan pada keunggulan intelektual budi pekerti luhur humaniora dan kepekaan terhadap tandatanda.

Kolese Loyola also referred by its acronym LC or Loyola College is a private Catholic coeducational secondary education institution run by the Indonesian Province of the Society of Jesus in Semarang Central Java Indonesia Kolese Loyola was established by the Jesuits in 1949 The school's name is derived from its patron saint St Ignatius.
SMA KOLESE LOYOLA – Competence, Conscience, Compassion
As a school SMA Kolese Loyola strives to educate its students to sincerely live up to the principle of competence conscience compassion and commitment for the greater glory of God We offer educational opportunities which assist the students to be fully grown persons (mind body and spirit) in a sense of personal relationship and togetherness Teacher And Staff SMA KOLESE LOYOLA Jl Karanganyar No37 Contact SMA KOLESE LOYOLA Jl Karanganyar No37 Semarang Logo And Its Meaning SMA KOLESE LOYOLA Jl Karanganyar.
Catatan Kecil Marpheliste Menghargai Perbedaan Studi Kasus Sma Kolese Loyola
Kolese Loyola Heterodox
Kolese Loyola Wikipedia
Loyola Compassion
Kolese Loyola also referred by its acronym LC or Loyola College is a private Catholic secondary school located in Semarang Central Java Indonesia The school was established by the Indonesian Province of the Society of Jesus in 1949 The school's name is derived from its patron saint St Ignatius of Loyola Established August 1949 72 years agoFounder Principal Pr Martinus Juprianto Bulu Toding SJ (from 2021)Motto Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam (For the Greater Glory of God).