Influenza Vaccine Dosage Chart. generic name influenza a virus a/victoria/2570/2019 ivr215 (h1n1) antigen (formaldehyde inactivated) 15ug in 05ml influenza a virus a/tasmania/503/2020 ivr221 (h3n2) antigen (formaldehyde inactivated) 15ug in 05ml influenza b virus b/phuket/3073/2013 antigen (formaldehyde inactivated) 15ug in 05ml influenza b virus b/washington/02/2019.

For children 6–35 months of age the correct dosage (volume) is 025 mL for Afluria Quadrivalent 05 mL for Fluarix Quadrivalent 025 mL or 05 mL for Fluzone Quadrivalent 05 mL for FluLaval Quadrivalent For persons 3 years of age and older the correct dosage is 05 mL for most inactivated influenza vaccine products.
Canadian Immunization Guide Chapter on Influenza and
27 rowsTABLE 1 Influenza vaccines — United States 2020–21 influenza season* TradeTRADE NAME (MANPRESENTATIONAGE INDICATIONHA (IIVS AND RIV4) OR VIRAfluria Quadrivalent (025mL PFS§6 through 35 mos75 μg/025 mL 15 μg/05 mLAfluria Quadrivalent (05mL PFS≥3 yrs75 μg/025 mL 15 μg/05 mLAfluria Quadrivalent (50mL MDV§≥6 mos (needle/syrin75 μg/025 mL 15 μg/05 mLFluarix Quadrivalent (05mL PFS≥6 mos15 μg/05 mL.
Influenza Vaccine Dosing Chart Michigan
PDF fileThe four standarddose QIVs contain 15 mcg of HA for each strain whereas the highdose quadrivalent (QIVHD) – available only for adults 65 years of age and older – contains 60 mcg of HA for each strain In addition to the QIV products adjuvanted trivalent vaccine (TIVadj) is also provided through the UIIP.
TABLE 1. Influenza vaccines — United States, 2020–21
PDF file15 rows2021 2022 Influenza Vaccine Dosage Chart Vaccine Presentation Age Dosage Fluzone (sanofi Vaccine Presentation Age Dosage Fluzone (sanofi pasteur) Multidose vial (IIV4) 6 months and older 05mL Fluzone (sanofi pasteur) 05 mL vial (IIV4) 6 months and older 05 mL Fluzone (sanofi pasteur) 6 months and older 05 mL 05 mL syringe (IIV4).
Prevention And Control Of Seasonal Influenza With Vaccines Recommendations Of The Advisory Committee On Immunization Practices United States 2021 22 Influenza Season Mmwr
Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Dosage & Administration CDC
Children 6 20102011 Influenza Vaccine Dosing Guidance For
Fluzone High Dose Sanofi
Influenza Virus Vaccine, Inactivated Dosage Guide + Max
2007–08 Influenza Vaccine Dosage Chart
Vaccine recommendations for children and youth for the
Influenza Vaccine Products for the 20212022 Influenza Season
Vaccine Dosage Chart 2009–10 Seasonal Influenza
Administering Vaccines: Dose, Route, Site, and Needle Size
2122 Influenza Vaccine Dosage Chart Department of Health
seasonal influenza vaccine: Mobile guide for 2021 to 2022
FLUZONE Quadrivalent
INFLUENZA VACCINE Drug BNF content published by NICE
Influenza Vaccines for the 20212022 Influenza Season
Fluzone Quadrivalent Dosage Guide
PDF fileHighdose (IIV4) 65 years and older 05 mL 49281012165 Fluarix® (GlaxoSmithKline) 05 mL syringe (IIV4) 6 months and older 05 mL 58160088752 Flulaval ® (GlaxoSmithKline) 05 mL syringe (IIV4) 6 months and older 05 mL 19515081852 Flucelvax® (Seqirus) 05 mL syringe (ccIIV4) 2 years and older 05 mL 70461032103 Multidose vial (IIV4) 2 years.