Emco Lux Cat Kayu Besi 1kg Segitiga 84 Shopee Indonesia from Shopee
1 m2 Mengecat 1 x catcatan lama 10 m2 13 kg Cat Emco @ Rp 4200000 2 lb kertas gosok @ Rp 660000 1 org tukang cat @ Rp 7000000 7000000 01 org Kepala tukang cat @ Rp 7500000 750000 067 org Pekerja @ Rp 5000000 3350000 034 org Mandor @ Rp 8000000 2720000 JUMLAH ( BELUM PPN ) 13820000 PPN BAHAN 10% JUMLAH Jadi 1 m2 Cat lama.
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Emco Lux Cat Kayu Besi 1kg Segitiga 84 Shopee Indonesia
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Lawsuit Database Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
Kayu yang Paling Bagus dan Berkualitas 10 Merk Cat
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In December 2020 we launched our Lawsuit Database which includes all lawsuits we have profiled to date These lawsuit profiles are but a small sample of the numerous lawsuits brought against companies in an effort to hold them legally accountable for human rights abuses.