Carry On Carry On. intransitive verb 1 to continue especially in spite of hindrance or discouragement chose to carry on despite the weather 2 to behave or speak in a foolish excited or improper manner shocked at how he carries on Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About carryon.
Carry On Baggage from Carry-on Baggage
carryon ( ˈkarion) adjective (of bags or cases) that passengers can carry with them on board a plane handbagasie الحَقائِبُ المَحْمولَه преносим bagagem de mão příruční (zavazadlo) das Handgepäck hånd (baggage) (αποσκευές) που ένας επιβάτης μπορεί να έχει μαζί του κατά την διάρκεια της πτήσης (bolsa) de mano.
CARRY ON meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
verbTo bring a small piece of luggage onto an airplane or similar transport by hand (as opposed to luggage that is checked in and stored in the luggage compartment) In this usage a noun or pronoun can be used between “carry” and “on” I hope they'll let me carry this duffel bag on.
Carry on definition of carry on by The Free Dictionary
carryon noun (BEHAVIOUR) [ S ] UK informal behaviour that shows you are annoyed worried not satisfied or excited usually more than the situation deserves There was a real carryon when Pat was found kissing Ashley SMART Vocabulary related words and phrases Difficult situations and unpleasant experiences.
Carry On Baggage
Carryon Definition & Meaning MerriamWebster
Carry on Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Luggage 2022 9 Best Carryon The Strategist
Arguably your carryon luggage is the most important piece of luggage aesthetically speaking While your checked pieces are being mishandled by TSA and tossed around by baggage handlers tumbling.