Blue Fronted Lorikeet. Bluefronted Lorikeet ( Charmosyna toxopei) Also known as Buru Lorikeet Profile Care Wild Status Members Only Illustration of Bluefronted Lorikeet © John G Keulemans | Wikimedia Commons Photos View in Gallery Did You Know? Small green lorikeets in forested areas are notoriously difficult to spot making determination of species status uncertain.

The Bluefronted Lorikeet ( Charmosyna toxopei) also known as the Buru Lorikeet is a parrot endemic to the Indonesian island of Buru Source Wikipedia Authorities recognizing this taxonomic concept Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive (31/01/2015) You must be logged in to view your sighting details.
Biology:Bluefronted lorikeet HandWiki
Collar N G M Kirwan C J Sharpe and P F D Boesman (2021) Bluefronted Lorikeet (Charmosynopsis toxopei) version 11 In Birds of the World (J del Hoyo A Elliott J Sargatal D A Christie and E de Juana Editors) Cornell Lab of Ornithology Ithaca NY USA https//doiorg/102173/bowblflor1011.
Bluefronted lorikeet PiPiWiki
Spread of introduced Swamp Harrier (Circus approximans) Ecology The Blue Lorikeet occurs on the Society Islands and W Tuamotu Archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean as well as Aitutaki in the South Cook Islands as an introduced species These tiny birds are seen in coconut plantations or gardens with flowering banana and mango trees.
ASNSW Rainbow Lorikeets and their Mutations
The Bluefronted Lorikeet Charmosyna toxopei also known as the Buru Lorikeet is a parrot found on the island of Buru IndonesiaIt is 16 cm green with a blue crown patch yellow underwing bar and red on the sides of the base of the tail It is only known from seven specimens collected before 1930 in hill forest between 850–1000 m.
Red Collared Lorikeet Wikipedia
Bluefronted_Lorikeet : definition of Bluefronted
Wikizero Bluefronted lorikeet
Bluefronted Lorikeet Übersetzung EnglischDeutsch
Bluefronted Lorikeet (Charmosyna toxopei) BirdLife
bluefronted lorikeet in French EnglishFrench
Bluefronted lorikeet Wikipedia
Charmosyna toxopei (Bluefronted Lorikeet) Avibase
Bluefronted lorikeet Project Gutenberg SelfPublishing
Bluefronted lorikeet and similar species
Bluefronted Lorikeet (Charmosyna toxopei) Exotic birds
Bluefronted Lorikeet Asian Species Action Partnership
Blue Lorikeet World Parrot Trust
Bluefronted Lorikeet Charmosynopsis toxopei Birds of
Bluefronted Lorikeet Technology Trends
Bluefronted Lorikeet eBird
Description 16 cm length The forecrown of the Bluefronted Lorikeet (Charmosyna toxopei) is bright green the front of the crown above the eyes is bright blue rest of the head green Upperparts green bright in the rump Wings Green with blackish inner feathers.